
posted in: Nieuwsbericht 0

From 10 a.m. the first people start dropping in. We know the event won’t start at 10 a.m. as written on the invitation. But we hope to be less than one hour late!

The master of ceremonies has arrived and also the men setting up the music equipment are in time, as well as the representative of the local radio station. Reverend Manuel calls round to confirm he will be back at 10:30 a.m for the opening prayer. Very early today padre Cesar has blessed the home. We’d like to be oecumenical in our approach.

We indeed start at 10.30 a.m although the children of SOS Children’s Village who were going to perform a folk dance do not show up. We improvise and have the participants of our activities centre sing a song instead.

The sitting room is well packed with invited people. There is a good atmosphere. The Ruach chairperson, Ana Alicia, welcomes everybody. Then it is my turn to present a summary of what we have achieved over the past year in our focus areas of prevention, stimulation and protection. I have been given 10 minutes for this, not quite enough, but I’m making the most of it by presenting a series of pictures that need few words.

People attending the ceremony are also offered a chance to say something. That is a nice gesture, but carries the risk that because people here can be fairly long-winded it might defeat the purpose of getting brief feedback.

After the official part of the ceremony “the chicheros” entertain us with their music (see picture).

Then there is a guided tour through our new home for those who are interested. Of course there are drinks and snacks, and a chance to dance to the music. 

After that most of the invited people leave. Board members, Ruach employees and relatives of the residents of the home end the party with a joint lunch. Everyone is pleased with how the day had unfolded.

Tomorrow we will get the official photographs from the professional photographer. These will be a permanent reminder of our first birthday and how happy we are today because of what has been achieved, through collaboration with many people in Nicaragua and abroad who have been supporting us. These results have only been possible because many of us believed that together we can make a difference and this belief has been followed this up with concrete actions.

We have started a new year of life. We are still young and vulnerable, but viable. We hope you will continue to support us, in prayer, morally, financially. and with kind acts and advice!

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