The bus is driving up. We are ready for our ‘traditional’ trip to the beach. We load the food and drinks, the backpacks with bathing suits, extra clothes etc. The community core members are excited. Also on board are all the employees of the community house and our extra guest, a friend who supports us in everything: Ana Julia.
Earlier this year, in August, we organized a small lottery which earned us the money needed to pay for this trip. For this trip we also invited doña Anielka. She owns the van that takes us to the pool every Wednesday, for free. She also has never charged us for the day trips to the beach. Anielka was able, after some rearranging of her schedule, to join us on the trip with her father and a brother, who are also in the ‘bus business’! The more, the merrier! For us it is a nice way to express our gratitude to Anielka and her family.
At the beach
When we left we did not yet know which beach we were going to visit. We wanted to find a different and cleaner beach than the one we went to last year, but our research prior to departure into alternative options was not conclusive. We knew what we wanted: a beach as near to Juigalpa as possible because we felt a four-hour journey by bus one way was quite enough; we also wanted a quiet beach with access to tables and chairs to enjoy our home-made food in comfort. We inspected a few beaches before we found our ideal beach and one we would use again a next time! The photos give an impression of the beach and surroundings.